Terms & Conditions

“WE” “US” “OUR” Refer to Dog & Bone Guest House

“You” “Owner” “Owners” “Customer” Refer to you the Customer or service taker.

Male & Female Dogs:
We only accept neutered males and spayed females (age according) and under no circumstance can we accept a female in season.

We accept puppies but they need to be fully house trained. 

Vaccines, Boosters, Worming & Microchipping:
All dogs must have up to date vaccinations (boosters) including flea & worming treatments. Kennel Cough is also recommended.  We will request to see the vaccination record upon initial meeting. All dogs must be microchipped before any services can be undertaken.

Dangerous Dog Act, Aggression, Noise Pollution(Barking / Howling)
We do not look after any dogs/breeds that are listed on the dangerous dog act or behave in an aggressive way to any of our family members or other dogs in our care. 
We require to know of any constant barking / howling  habits that your dog may have, prior to services being taken, we can then assess the situation on a case by case basis and make a clear decision whether your dog would be suitable to stay or have day care with us as and not frighten other dogs or annoy neighbours.

Dog Walking & Group Walks:
Owners are required to provide a well fitting collar with their details.

Please ensure you provide a spare towel at home to dry dogs with. We always try to remove as much mud from your dog after the walk as possible. Although we do our best to minimise muddy paws we cannot be held responsible for any damage to your property or furnishings.

We provide the dogs with water after their walks, we also ask owners to leave plenty of fresh water out for their dog/s. It is advisable you do not feed your dog one hour before or after walks to prevent stomach issues.

All dogs that are new to us will stay on a lead or long line for a couple of walks so we can test for recall and behaviour before allowing them to be completely free.
If you then wish for your dog to be off the lead you will be required to sign a disclaimer form. 

Day Care:
We aim to look after your dog in a home from home environment. Your agreement with Dog & Bone Guest House is conditional upon a mutually satisfactory meeting being undertaken with your dog (a meet and greet).
We provide  up to two walks per day, or less depending on your dog’s needs. All dogs must wear a well fitting collar when with us.
We are sometimes able to offer a pickup and drop off  service for day care for  customers for a small fee.  This will be discussed and agreed upon prior to any care arrangement.
We require the correct amount of food to be provided for the stay, if insufficient food is supplied, you agree to refund for the costs incurred in purchasing additional food. Please include any medication with clear, concise instructions of use/dosage. We provide food bowls, water bowls, beds and toys. We suggest that you bring anything specific that your dog is familiar with to make the stay as comfortable as possible for them. You undertake to deliver your dog in a clean and groomed condition.  We are happy to email/text updates and pictures.

Home Visits:
We provide one or two 30 min visits per day. Usually am and pm. During the visit we will make sure your cat is given any food and medication required, played with and loved. We are happy to change the litter or do anything else that is required within the time slot.

Cancellations (DayCare):
As daycare is extremely popular and works on a first come first served basis and has limited spaces, a cancellation fee of 100% of the day’s booking cost will be charged if cancelled less than 24 hrs in advance and 50% if less than 48 hrs notice is given.

Cancellations (Holidays):
30 days and greater incur a 10% fee of the total booking cost.
14 days incur a 20% fee of the total booking cost.
7 days incur a 30% fee of the total booking cost.
24 hrs incur the total booking cost.

Are to be made by BACS transfer or cash on the day or prior to any service being taken. Under no circumstances can services  be taken without prior payment or arrangement.

We hold full liability insurance. Owners will be held liable for all medical expenses and damages in the event of any injury caused by your dog or any other dog.  If the home or property is damaged by your dog, other than reasonable wear and tear, you agree to make good of such damage.

We take great care of all dogs we look after, however if we need to take your pet to the vet whilst in our care you will be liable for all vet fees and travel costs, no matter how the injury/illness occurred. We do carry dog First Aid kits and are first aid trained to deal with certain emergencies.
In the event of an emergency  we will attempt to contact you on the contact numbers provided to confirm what action you would like us to take. If you cannot be reached we will transfer your dog to your registered vet or to an emergency clinic. You further agree that if your dog attacks, or is involved in a fight with, another dog (and/or person) causing injury to that dog (and/or person), you will be responsible for payment of veterinary fees in respect of injuries to another animal caused by your dog.

Owners data will be collected before any visit or agreement and stored securely online. This includes: name, contact numbers, address, vet’s name and number, specific requirements the dog may need and services required. We safe keep all keys, remote control entry devices, access codes.

Social Media:
In some cases Dog & Bone Guest House will upload pictures of your dogs onto their social media timeline. By completing and agreeing to the terms of use you give consent for us to do so.

Contacting you:
We may contact you about special offers and services provided by us or to update you on how your dog is settling in. This maybe in form of telephone Call, WhatsApp or Email. completing and agreeing to Dog & Bone Guest House terms of service you give consent for us to do so and opting in to this service.

In the case of extreme emergencies we reserve the right to terminate ALL services with an owner.


We offer doggy daycare, adventure walks and cat feeding services which provide your furry friends with a safe, fun, and engaging environment, where every tail wags with joy and every whisker is content.

Tail-Wagging Walks & Purr-fect Pet Care: Where Your Pets Are Family.


For more information, a free consultation or to make a booking please get in touch!